Forepaper by
for Messenger
Morphs the Media 99
Could Poetry be made by all?
Hypertextual Discourses-Technics:
annotation, crosscultural linking, collaborative
Although the apparative preconditions for the networking
of various media are becoming ever more complex,
artistic(non-affirmative) methods of using such networked
systems are only slowly beginning to evolve. The artistic
paradises ofhyper-media, in contrast to the analogue media
(writing, film, radio, TV), are no longer metaphorical
representational machines:they refer to nothing, but are
simply waiting for our input, actions and reactions. www
revolution? Although the radical mediatransition from
gramophone, film, typewriter (thus Friedrich Kittler's
suggestive title) to CD, video and computers has
radicallychanged the personal, cultural and political
parameters of information processes - the foundations of
literary culture (authorship,copyright, work- and product
character of the media documents exchanged ...) are only now
beginning to tremble with the rapidspread of digital media:
The techniques and practises of non-linear forms of living,
thinking, and production are now becomingstandard operations
with, through, over, under and around the new media ...
EU: Cultural
Competence Conference (Linz 3.-5.10.98)
forming rhizomes
writing and reading in the network represents a nomadic
action of roaming around in media networks: hypertextual
arrangementsof various information units that circulate
between various information systems because of a permanent
up- and downloading.Switching between different media
streams in social networks ... Single particles of text,
image, and sound can be interrupted,broken, altered - while
at the same time they are being held together, able to
continuously referring to each other. Therelations between
text/author/reader no longer function from point to point,
from word to word, from image to image ... in alinear
reference (significant/ significant unit), instead they
function in a rhizomatic way via crossings, overlappings,
chains ofdifferent media streams along which knots of
meaning form - different screen layers are overlapping. The
users may createunprecedented interconnections ...
Below the empty surfaces of the up-to-date
information-design - of the 'softmodern, of the Infotainment
- the antiquated typedcharacters flashes up again ... Now as
hyper-words, which have lost their innocence - they do no
longer absorb the reader intothe text, but repels him rather
into the wide fields of digital communication. Readers and
writers are now connected withthe same machines and tools
likewise - they write and read simultaneously at one
distributed and dismembered texture, that isspread over the
whole word ...
a very important cultural technic for the development of
network-culture is to act against totalitarism, mono-culture
(controlled bymonopolistic multi-national softeware-giants
with inclination to controll even the content of the net by
universalcontent-providers in cooperation with censorship
and protectionistic controlling by governments) and to
envent new collborativediscourse-technics: open special
interest-groups in the tradition of news-groups,
mailing-lists, accumulations and kollaborativeprocessing of
data-bases, social text-filtering, collective authoring
working space: network-culture (texts in german)
machines of desire
The wishing machines aren't stuck in our heads, are not
figments of the imagination, but exist in the technical and
socialmachines themselves. (Deleuze/Guattari)
ze/Guattari-Mailing List
Visualizations and dramatizations of data presentations,
simulation techniques, desktop publishing, desktop video ...
make the screen as a virtual surface the favourite place of
cultural exchange processes: on screen thinking in networks.
Digital hypermediaare freely shapeable interfaces:
processors, by which objects of thinking may be produced,
connected and distributed in differentways of presentation
(text, image, sound, animation). Everything is deeply
intertwingled! (Ted Nelson)
Screen objects are both media representations of ideas
and, at the same time, executable operations that occur on
virtual screens:screens will open other screens where there
are again screens that open ... . Object orie ted hyper
mediaenvironments meet this spaceing of ´writing' with
different means by offering actions - in addition to to
linear funcitions ofediting - that allow a functional
interplay of the most diverse media objects on the screeen.
online writing: tree fictions
poetic of links?
The poetics of a link lies in the bare insinuation in no
way, nor in a metaphoric or implicit reference - but carries
out itself in areal jump, an actual linking - a poetics of
the transportation. Network-work-writing-projects puts a
crucial question of artistic useof media: like can aesthetic
operations - removed from the aesthetic strategies of single
authors - as concrete program - enter intocommon
work-processes ? How can collective texts be generated and
how do they circulate? Could some kind of' telematicpoetry '
be made by all?
Anthology of Hypermedia Poetry
poetics of transport?
'Poetics of the transportation ' could do the old concept
of the metaphor available now as a network-stream maybe,
that througharrival and departure, import and export, input
and output is to be organized in dynamic knowledge
structures (memes?). Newforms of conceptualisation and
social communication originate - a kind of active semiosis,
within the writing and readingcontinuously discovers new
contexts, follows tracks , draws commentaries ...
public exchance
Posting, download, reply, annotate. . . these processes
of structuring, recombination and contextualisation of texts
no longerhappens in the head of a single authors but already
in a public writing-area: new discourse-technologies arise
from thisdistributed collaborative exchance of ideas -
text-processing in the truest sense of the word.
nettime mailinglist:
socia text-filtering, net dicsourse
Text, collective
The utopian vision of a collective TEXTUALITY: as already
found in socially turbulent situations (French revolution,
operativewriter collectives in the Russian revolution ...)
and in communal text-net-works. But neither the
encyclopaedia, nor literarycircles (Nouveau Romanciers,
Tel-Quel) really eliminate the bourgeois author-subject,
even when this belongs to the centraldemands of the
respective literary program! Perhaps this is really
(operatively) a question of the technology of writing
(recordingand distribution): Copyright, the mythos of the
closed work, conventional authorship ... disappears in the
moments ofgeneration/structuring and distribution of
networked hypertext. That which applies theoretically and
conceptuallyto written literature - in the system of
literature as an inter-textual network - applies also to the
net-work-text-tours at everymoment of generation/structuring
and distribution: The difference between writing and reading
in the network is approaching nil.
The classic separations between production and reception
(e.g. between author, text, and reader or of code, sender,
and receiver)will be abolished in favour of a
text-network-conception: ´In active processes of
intertextualgenerating of texts from texts, images from
images, media from and within other media ..., reading and
writing will overlap.The making of references substitutes
the conventional receiving and sending of media
Collaboration Projects
kontakt: home, email
Hypertext-Archiv Heiko Idensen:
Projekts & Links Heiko Idensen:
The Imaginary Library (text only german)