Word Circuits




Info Desk

Calendars of
Author Readings

Nationwide Listings
New York
Washington, DC

Nationwide Listings

Academy of American Poets
On-line database of readings searchable by poet, location, or date range.
BookWire/PublishersWeekly Authors on the Highway
On-line database of readings, mostly at bookstores, given by authors as part of book tours. You can browse through the readings scheduled in individual cities or regions or check out an author's national itinerary.


Poetry Center Readings (San Francisco State U.)
Poetry Flash (San Francisco Bay Area)
Sacramento Literary Calendar
Sacramento Poetry Center Calendar
Small Press Traffic (San Francisco)
Sonoma County Poetry Calendar

New York

New York City Poetry Calendar
Poetry Project at St. Mark's
The Writer's Voice (West Side Y, New York City)

Washington, DC

Washington Post Literary Calendar (covers all of Washington)



Contact site director Robert Kendall at kendall@wordcircuits.com.
Visit Kendall's Home Page for more material.
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online class in hypertext literature.