- Boston Book Review
- Poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, interviews. Visitors can purchase reviewed books
on-line through links to Book Stacks. Contains the entire contents of each printed issue
of the review, with some additional reviews. Work by John Yau, Stephen Dixon.
- EJournal
- Scholarly essays "concerned with the implications of electronic networks and
texts." Occasionally covers electronic literature.
- Electronic Book Review
- Essays and reviews focusing on literature and the arts in the context of new media. Part
of the Alt-X web site.
- Hungry Mind Review: An
Independent Book Review
- Essays, reviews, interviews. Some overlap in content with printed version of the review,
some new material. Discussion forum. Published by the Hungry Mind Bookstore in St. Paul.
All reviewed books can be ordered on-line.
- The Independent Reader
- Every month lists books recommended by bookstores across the country, including capsule
reviews by the bookstore staffers. Visitors to the site can post their own reviews.
- n.b. (New Books from the
Reader's Catalog)
- Monthly magazine about new books, featuring reviews, essays, and book excerpts. Reviewed
books can be purchased on-line. Edited by the staff of The Reader's Catalog.
- New York Review of Books
- Reviews, essays. Excerpts from the current issue and recent back issues.
- New York Times Book Review
- Reviews, essays. Full text of the printed version of the nation's most influential book
review, plus additional elements not found in print. These include related pieces from the
Times archive and entire first chapters from some of the books reviewed. All
reviewed books can be ordered on-line.
- Quarterly Black Review of Books
- Reviews and interviews focusing on Black authors and topics. All reviewed books can be
ordered on-line.
- Small Press Traffic
- Reviews of small press books.
- Washington
Post Book World
- Reviews, essays. Full text of each week's printed issue, including the calendar of DC
literary events. The site also houses the Chapter One library, an archive of the first
chapters of selected books, usually with accompanying Book World reviews.