Word Circuits





On-Line Workshops

Free Workshops
Fee-Based Workshops
Other Directories


AlienFlower Poetry Workshop
You'll find here discussions of various aspects of writing, some writing exercises, and a chance to get critiques of your own work.
Atlantic Monthly's Post and Riposte
One of the forums is devoted to a Writers Workshop.
Fictech for Novelists' Inner Circle
An on-line "Club for Writers" in which some of the discussion is devoted to critiques of members' work.
Literature Online's Writer-in-Residence
Includes a forum in which participants can critique each other's work, and each week the writer-in-residence critiques one of the poems posted in this forum.
The On-Line Writery
Forums for both poetry and fiction, devoted mostly to workshop-style feedback on original writing. Sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Poets & Writers Speakeasy
This discussion forum includes a conference called "Your Writing," which is devoted to an informal workshop for poetry, fiction, and essays.
Poetry Society of America Poetry Workshop
Under construction.
Writer's Forums
Forums devoted to critiques of many genres of writing, including poetry and fiction. Run jointly by Inkspot and The Writer's BBS.
Writers' Village University
Most of the courses offered are fee-based, but a few are free.
Poetry workshop. Members must apply for admission. Also offers a mailing list for members.


AlienFlower Poetry Workshop
Several workshops taught by Tom Williams for a weekly fee.
CU Online
Creative writing is among the on-line subjects offered by the University of Colorado.
Mt. San Antonio College (California)
Offers creative writing among its accredited distance education classes.
New School for Social Research (DIAL program)
Poetry and fiction writing classes that can be taken for college credit are among the DIAL program's extensive on-line offerings.
Syracuse University
A fiction workshop is offered by the University's Continuing Education Program.
University of California Extension Online
Accredited fiction-writing classes are sometimes among the offerings of this on-line collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley, and the Center for Media and Independent Learning.
Accredited creative writing classes are offered by the UCLA Extension.
The Write Site
An independent "on-line writing lab."
Writers' Village University
Noncredit workshops and seminars at different levels in poetry and fiction.

Other Directories

University Links
Links to over 50 distance education programs sponsored by educational institutions across the country. Many include creative writing courses.



Contact site director Robert Kendall at kendall@wordcircuits.com.
Visit Kendall's Home Page for more material.
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